The lungs are the biggest organ of the whole human body. They have a very important task. Without air, without breath, we would not be able to live. How can we help our lungs to cope with their task? Breathing properly is one of our tasks we have to learn. Most people breathe in a superficial way. Why do they do it?
Our hectic way of living has taken over also our way of breathing. Everything goes or has to go quickly. We do not have time. This is a big mistake. In fact, by breathing quickly and superficially, we do not give the lungs what they need to protect life.
Our lungs need a full breath in and a full breath out. By breathing in, we bring oxygen into our lungs and renew the air. If we breathe superficially, we will never exchange the whole amount of air in the lungs and there will remain stale air, used and consumed air.
And the amount of air and carbon dioxide that we exhale, is not all that should leave our body.
The best way to change this situation, is to learn how to breathe properly. There are many exercises we can learn. Many of them are of Asian origin. The Asian populations have a better relationship with life, with the air and with the lungs. We can learn from them.
They know that not only the lungs but the whole body profit from better breathing. Slower and deeper breathing. These are the keys to better health, not only of the lungs but of the whole body and of the mind.
In fact, body and mind are strongly connected. They work together and the more they do it, the better we feel.
The lungs' work is facilitated. If they get a full amount of fresh air, they can put out a full amount of carbon dioxide. That means, the air inside the organs is clean.
One of the best exercises is the Energy breathing brought to us by Chunyi Lin, the SpringForestQiGong Master. He has produced a CD with two exercises and the explanation of why slow, deep and gentle breaths can bring many benefits to our physical, mental and spiritual health. With the first exercise you focus on the breathing and nothing else. But already the concentration is a good exercise. You then feel how your breath goes to various parts of your chest.You feel how the lungs are widened and therefore the amount of air becomes bigger. This sensation of widening of the lungs is not immediate because they are not used to receiving a lot of fresh air. It takes place after weeks or even after months of doing it. Your effort will reap its fruits and your lungs will thank you.
Helping You Breath - The Functions of the Lungs
Elisabetta Reist
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