Simply put, energy efficiency is a technological concern. Energy conservation is a human concern. For example, you can make furnaces and air conditioners more efficient by improving the technology that governs their operation. But people are responsible for turning the thermostat to 68 degrees instead of 75 degrees.
Yes, this is an oversimplification. But it makes an important point. Technology can take us only so far as we attempt to keep energy costs and greenhouse gas emissions down. People have to take responsibility for using the technology wisely.
\"Energy Efficiency\"
The focus on energy efficiency and energy conservation has been around for quite a while, at least since the 1970s when the oil crisis had gasoline and heating oil prices skyrocketing and cars lined up at the pump. A physicist named Amory Lovins introduced the idea of negawatts, which contradicted the notion that, to meet energy requirements, you have to generate more energy. He thought you could meet those needs by using energy more efficiently, not just providing more.
From the technological point of view, making homes more energy-efficient is hugely important in reducing energy consumption. The steps toward greater efficiency can be pretty simple. For instance, you can exchange an incandescent light bulb with a fluorescent bulb and get the same light output for 13 watts that before required 60 watts.
Of course, your furnace and air conditioner use the most energy in your home, so they make good targets for action that can improve energy efficiency. One way to improve heating and cooling efficiency is to make sure your furnace and air conditioner are inspected each year and necessary repairs are made.
Another solution is to exchange your older-model furnace and air conditioner for a newer version. Today, manufacturers are producing units of very high efficiency that are able to pay for themselves in energy savings in a remarkably short time.
You can easily find out how energy-efficient a new furnace or air conditioner might be.
Air conditioners are rated by the Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER). The SEER is computed from the cooling output in British Thermal Units (BTUs) during a typical cooling season divided by the total electric energy input in watt-hours during the season. The higher the SEER rating the more efficient the air conditioner.
Furnace efficiency is measured in the percentage of fuel - for example, natural gas - that is turned into usable energy - that is, heat. Thus and 80 percent energy efficiency rating is better than a 70 percent energy efficiency rating.
Keep current furnaces and air conditioners in good condition and, when the time comes, replace them with high-efficiency models to save energy and money.
What's the Difference Between Energy Efficiency and Energy Conservation?
In addition to models of the Sure Comfort air conditioner and the Sure Comfort furnace, Midwest HVAC Parts also sells Sure Comfort parts.